
How Will Europe’s New MedTech Guidelines Affect Your Meetings?

Changing compliance codes in Europe regulating medical-device companies are expected to have a major effect on U.S.-based medical conferences — and to continue to do so for years to come. Specifically, any conference with a European delegation sponsored by a medical-device company will be affected by the new EthicalMedTech regulations coming into play in 2018, according to Patricia Andrade, vice president of marketing and communications at ABTS Convention Services.

EFPIA And The US Medical Meetings Industry

A Guide to Understanding the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations Disclosure Code and Its Effect on the US Medical Meetings Industry.

What Is The EFPIA Disclosure Code?

The EFPIA — the European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations — Disclosure Code is a system of self-regulation that requires all member associations within 33 European countries to disclose payments and other transfers of value made to any medical, dental, pharmacy or nursing professional or practice or any other person who, by virtue of his/her professional activities, might prescribe, supply, purchase or administer a medical product.